We provide support to foreign holders of GDRs and ADRs of Russian securities to return their investments inspite of sanctions limitations
Many foreign investors face the problem of recovering their investments into Russian securities, including depositary receipts (ADRs and GDRs), shares and bonds. MAGENTA Legal team has handled many such complex cases and has helped hundreds of holders to unpack their depositary receipts into shares and get back part of their investment to the extent permitted under current Russian law. If you have investments in the Russian economy that are blocked and cannot be recovered, consult our lawyers to find a suitable recovery solution.



clients successfully converted DRs


various DR programs


million EUR total value of shares


successful conversions

See our latest news on ADRs

Jan 16, 2025

Lukoil, Rosneft and Tatneft: new distribution of dividends

At the end of 2024 many Russian companies (including three major oil companies – Lukoil, Rosneft and Tatneft) held general meetings of shareholders in regard to the distribution of the dividends.

Jan 15, 2025

Ratings of law firms: MAGENTA Legal among the leaders

Last week the results of two legal ratings were published: first, Russian Gazette published the rating of the best lawyers and their firms, and a little later the award ceremony of the prestigious PRAVO-300 rating, which celebrated its 15th anniversary, took place. As a renewed brand, MAGENTA Legal took part in the rating for the first time – and was recognised in all 4 nominations of the federal ratings.

Nov 15, 2024

Conversion of Depository Receipts (DRs) into Russian shares

Our clients often ask us questions about the conversion of DRs. We have also collected frequently asked questions and provide our answers below.

Oct 15, 2024

Transfer of all shares of the Russian companies kept on the type “C” (“S”) accounts from NSD to the Russian registrars has commenced

In accordance with the decision of the Central Bank of Russia dated 03/10/2024, based on the decree of the President of Russia No. 840 dated 02/10/2024, the transfer of all shares of the Russian companies kept on the type “C” (“S”) accounts in GPB/other nominal holders within the Russian National Settlement Depository (NSD) has commenced. The transfer is made from NSD to other Russian registrars (based on the respective issuer of the shares, for example, for GAZPROM it is registrar “Draga”). As can be concluded from the information available, NSD will no longer take part in this process.

Sep 11, 2024

Forced (mandatory) conversion of GDRs of VK (VKONTAKTE) has started

VK (VKONTAKTE) has announced the beginning of the forced (mandatory) conversion of its Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs). Filing of the Application for forced conversion with the Russian Registrar AO “MRZ” (JSC IRC, “Registrar”) to initiate forced conversion of VK GDRs is possible starting from 25.09.2024. The forced conversion will be over on 22.01.2025.

Aug 7, 2024

Lukoil, Tatneft, Rostelecom, PhosAgro: conversion of depository receipts extended till 01 October 2024

Positive news for the holders of Lukoil, Tatneft, Rostelecom and PhosAgro depository receipts (DRs) – according to Citibank's recent announcement, Citi shall keep their books opened till 01 October. It means that currently the last day of conversion of these DRs will be on 30.09.2024.

Aug 2, 2024

OFAC has authorized transactions with NSD till 12.10.2024 – possible option for prolongation of DR conversion

The U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued 2 general licenses under which certain transactions with the Russian National Settlement Depository (NSD) can be made until 12.10.2024. This means that communication with the Russian NSD will be possible for at least the next 2,5 months.

Jul 30, 2024

Hindered and delisted Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) (2024) of Russia-related companies: Is there a difference?

Many clients ask us about the situation with the GDRs of the Russia-related companies – Were they delisted? Is trading possible? Can they be sold? The answer is usually negative, since the majority of stock exchanges hindered these securities in 2022-2023. However, not all of them are completely delisted, which means that in theory for some of them trading can still be resumed.

Jul 27, 2024

Samolet Plus aims to raise 0.8 billion RUB in pre-IPO

Samolet Plus, a provider of housing solutions and part of the Samolet Group, plans to raise up to 825 million RUB in a pre-IPO process, according to Interfax. The IPO on the Moscow Stock Exchange is planned for the beginning of 2026. According to Samolet Plus' forecasts, the company's share of the real estate market will be 35% in 2026 and its revenues will reach 32 billion RUB.

Jul 17, 2024

Lukoil, Tatneft, Rostelecom, PhosAgro: conversion of depository receipts to stop on 01 August 2024

Important news for the holders of Lukoil, Tatneft, Rostelecom and PhosAgro DRs – according to Citibank's recent announcement, on 01 August Citi close their books. It means that currently the last day of conversion of these DRs will be on 31.07.2024.

Jul 8, 2024

PhosAgro: new distribution of dividends (June 2024)

On June 30, 2024 PhosAgro held a general meeting of shareholders that the dividends will be paid to its shareholders in the amount of RUB 294 (approx. EUR 3 as of 10 July 2024) per 1 share.

Jun 13, 2024

Conversion of Depository Receipts (DRs) into Russian shares. FAQ Update 13 June 2024

Our clients often ask us questions about the conversion of DRs. In February and June we held a webinar to provide an update and we have also collected frequently asked questions and provide our answers below.

Jun 5, 2024

Depositary Receipts: Webinar 05 June 2024

German law firm AWARR and Russian law firm MAGENTA Legal held another joint webinar on conversion of depositary receipts for shares of Russian companies.

May 27, 2024

Forced (mandatory) conversion of Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) (2024) of Russia-related companies: Forced conversion of GDRs of VK (VKONTAKTE)

As it was analyzed in our notice regarding forced (mandatory) conversion of Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) in 2024, forced conversion for the companies, which have re-domiciled to Russia, is already possible meaning that the holders of the GDRs can get a chance to finally convert their GDRs into shares.

May 27, 2024

GAZPROM notice dated 27 May 2024

Our clients now receive the standard informational notice from GAZPROM. Reference No. 927559, type INFO, ISIN RU0007661625. The notice concerns a general meeting of the shareholders that will take place on 28 June 2024

May 25, 2024

GDR conversion call for Russia-redomiciliated companies

Some companies traditionally associated with Russia have long been registered in foreign jurisdictions such as Cyprus (e.g. TCS Group / Tinkoff Bank), the Netherlands (Yandex) or the British Virgin Islands (e.g. VK / VKONTAKTE). These companies organised the issuance of depositary receipts (DRs) for their shares and successfully sold them on foreign markets. Many of our clients have asked whether the forced conversion of such depositary receipts, which will be introduced in 2022, applies to these companies. Our answer was 'no', as the forced conversion was designed exclusively for companies incorporated in the Russian Federation. In the period from 2022 to the present, some of these RF-related companies have decided to redomicile, i.e. to move their registration to Russia which opens up new conversion opportunities.

Apr 3, 2024

Depository Receipts (DRs) to Russian shares conversion. FAQ (03 April 2024)

Our clients often ask us questions on DRs conversion. In February we held a webinar to provide a status update. We have also collected frequently asked questions and provide our answers below.

Mar 29, 2024

Exchange of frozen assets between Russia and EU and USA

How foreign companies can exchange blocked Russian rubles for foreign securities

Feb 29, 2024

Webinar on the conversion of depositary receipts for shares of Russian companies

MAGENTA Legal and the German law firm AWARR Legal held a webinar on the conversion of depositary receipts for shares of Russian companies.

Feb 28, 2024

Conversion of depositary receipts for shares of Russian companies

Conversion of Depository Receipts (DRs) into Russian shares. FAQ (Update 15 November 2024)

Our clients often ask us questions about the conversion of DRs. We have also collected frequently asked questions and provide our answers below.

Is the standard conversion of DRs still active?

According to our information as of 15.11.2024, the books are closed again by the Bank of New York Mellon – BNYM (for Gazprom, Gazpromneft, Surgutneftegas, etc.) and other custodians (for other DR programs). 

However, there is always hope that the books would be opened – for example, Gazprom's books were closed for almost 2,5 years and reopened in September 2024, allowing many of the clients to convert their DRs. The same applies to the DRs of Gazpromneft, Surgutneftegas, Lukoil, etc.

Please also note that the information on the status of conversion of certain DRs may be incorrect/absent even on the websites of foreign custodians, therefore we strongly recommend that you contact your brokers or lawyers to find out whether it is possible to submit an order for conversion of DRs.

It is important to note that some custodians set their own conversion coefficients, which means that only a part of the DRs submitted for conversion will be converted (for example, Lukoil's custodian Citibank set a ratio of 88%: when the shareholder submitted 1,000 DRs for conversion, he received 880 shares).

Should the power of attorney contain a date of issue and a date of expiry?

Since the power of attorney is issued to the Russian representative to perform actions in Russia, it shall comply with the Russian law. It means that the date of issue and the date of expiry must be explicitly indicated in the power of attorney.

Please also note that:

  • the absence of the issue date in the power of attorney means that the power of attorney is invalid for Russia,
  • the absence of the expiry date means that the power of attorney has been issued for 1 year only – but please note that you can specify any expiry date (e.g. 31.12.2030 or 31.12.2034 etc).

Is it true that forced (mandatory) conversion will be resumed?

It is partially true: the forced (mandatory) conversion of Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) will be resumed for Russian companies after their redomiciliation to Russia. This means that the companies that:

  • have been incorporated in a foreign jurisdiction as of 2022, when the mandatory conversion took place, but
  • have decided to redomicile to Russia in 2023-2024 (for example, VK (VKONTAKTE), TCS Group (Tinkoff Bank), YANDEX, etc.)

will allow shareholders to convert their GDRs after the companies' redomiciliation to Russia. Each company will set its own starting date for conversion, which will be possible within 120 days.

What can I do with the converted shares?

Sale, purchase and other actions with the converted shares are strictly limited for shareholders from all EU countries. This means that the sale, purchase and other actions with such shares require the approval of the Russian government commission, which is difficult to obtain. In addition, shares of companies in the oil, gas and other energy sectors of the Russian economy require the additional approval of the Russian President.

Where can dividends be paid?

Dividends can be credited only to a special type "C" bank account opened by the Russian bank that holds the client's converted shares.

The "C" type account is opened automatically by the bank when dividends are credited to the client for the first time. However, it should be noted that if the dividends were distributed before the conversion of DRs, the client will have to claim them - it is important to consider the following aspects:

  • the claiming procedure is different for each type of share;
  • the client has 3 years from the date of the general meeting of shareholders, which approved the distribution, to claim the dividends – but please note that for many DRs this period started in 2022, namely – for Lukoil, Rosneft, Tatneft, etc.;
  • the claiming process takes minimum 3-6 months, therefore it is important to start the procedure as soon as possible, taking into account that for many DR programs the deadline for claiming dividends expires in 2025.

Do clients have to claim dividends or are they credited automatically?

For the vast majority of DR programmes (Lukoil, Tatneft, Gazprom, etc.), dividends can be claimed only after conversion of DRs into shares. If the dividends are paid after the conversion of your DRs, they are automatically credited to the “C” type bank account opened by the bank itself for the client.

If the dividends were distributed before the conversion of client’s DRs, dividends have to be claimed within 3 years. All DR/share issuers have different procedures for claiming dividends, different requirements for the content of the documents.

For some DRs, the conversion itself is not required to claim the dividends, but please note that (for example, the PhosAgro DR programme allows to claim dividends without converting the DRs), but even in this case, claiming the dividends itself is still essential.

What happens to dividends if they are not claimed within 3 years from the date of the general meeting of shareholders at which the distribution was approved?

The situation is unique, and according to the current position of the Russian authorities (including the Central Bank of Russia), dividends can be claimed within 3 years from the date of the general meeting of shareholders that decided on the distribution of these dividends.

The risk of losing the right to dividends if they have not been claimed within the 3 years have to be considered.

Can the dividends be invested?

The use of funds (including dividends) on the "C" type account is strictly limited – the client is able to perform only a few operations, such as payment of Russian taxes and duties, purchase of state bonds, etc.

How to pay Gazprombank fees (commissions)? How much are they?

Payment of Gazprombank's fees charged for the management of shares (custody account management) can be made only by the shareholder or by his/her representative with a notarised apostilled and translated power of attorney. The currency of the respective invoices from Gazprombank is RUB.

As of today, dividends cannot technically be used to pay Gazprombank's fees, although the law provides for this possibility.

Please also note that Gazprombank's fees are calculated on an individual basis and can be found in the invoices that Gazprombank sent only to the clients’ e-mail address (Gazprombank does not provide the representatives of the clients with the invoices). For example, holding 100 000 shares for the period from 01/08/2023 to 31/12/2023 will cost RUB 826.84 (approx. EUR 8). 

The fee is calculated monthly by Gazprombank, but according to our information, the invoices are sent to the clients irregularly. Natural persons have to pay the fee within 30 days from the sending date of the invoice/information required for the payment for depository services, while legal persons have 14 business days from the respective sending date to do it.

Please also note that Gazprombank has the right to suspend the provision of the depository services to the client or even to terminate completely their provision and to close the client’s custody account, if the fees for the custody account management have not been paid.

If you would like to know more or need assistance, please contact us

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