Форс-мажор. Свидетельства Торгово-Промышленной Палаты РФ как доказательство
Землетрясения, наводнения, пожары и другие виды обстоятельств непреодолимой силы, которые также объединяются термином «форс-мажор», всегда являлись риском для бизнеса. Тем не менее предприниматели обычно не рассматривали вероятность их наступления как высокую и по этой причине оговорки о форс-мажоре в контрактах часто либо отсутствовали, либо были максимально общими. Однако за последние годы риски наступления обстоятельств непреодолимой силы значительно возросли – например, введение общегосударственного карантина больше не является чем-то фантастическим, равно как и возникновение иных обстоятельств/введение иных мер, затрагивающих максимально широкий круг лиц.
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation plans to hold the manufacturing enterprise Interpharma in Tula administratively liable and suspend its activities
Maksim Vaskin, a senior lawyer with MAGENTA Legal, commented for Izvestia on an important dispute in the field of pharmaceutical production – the attempt by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation to place the Tula manufacturing enterprise under administrative responsibility and suspend its activities. The very fact of the unannounced inspection, the severity of the penalty demanded (suspension of operations, not a fine) and the possible consequences (possible suspension of production, possible delay in the fulfilment of contractual obligations, which may lead to fines and other losses) make this dispute very important for all pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Public procurement in accordance with 44-FZ: changes in 2025
Changes in public procurement legislation are an ongoing process, which we have reported on in previous publications on our website. In early 2025, amendments were made to the Federal Law "On the System of Contracts in the Field of Procurement of Goods, Works and Services for State and Municipal Needs" No. 44-FZ.
Lukoil, Rosneft and Tatneft: new distribution of dividends
At the end of 2024 many Russian companies (including three major oil companies – Lukoil, Rosneft and Tatneft) held general meetings of shareholders in regard to the distribution of the dividends.
Ratings of law firms: MAGENTA Legal among the leaders
Last week the results of two legal ratings were published: first, Russian Gazette published the rating of the best lawyers and their firms, and a little later the award ceremony of the prestigious PRAVO-300 rating, which celebrated its 15th anniversary, took place. As a renewed brand, MAGENTA Legal took part in the rating for the first time – and was recognised in all 4 nominations of the federal ratings.
The Managing Partner of MAGENTA Legal Anton Shamatonov has received the first rating for international projects of Russian Gazette' rating
The Russian Gazette has published the results of its second annual large-scale survey, the “Rating of Lawyers and Their Firms”. Inclusion in this ranking is a mark of recognition of the professional quality and reputation of a specialist.
Renewal of director's powers: A foreign notary is not suitable
As we wrote earlier from 01.09.2024 the appointment of the general director of a limited liability company (LLC) is carried out only through a notary. In this case, as we anticipated, counterparties, banks and other persons require not only confirmation of the appointment but also confirmation of the extension of the powers of the general director in notarised form
An interesting court case of our client: subsidiary liability of directors
MAGENTA Legal represents the interests of its client, the French company Nasco France S.A., in a complex court case that has already passed through many instances. The court addresses important questions about the avoidance of liability by officials and the weaknesses of liability insurance.
Updating the guide to special transaction regulation in Russia. Presentation
We are pleased to announce another update of our guide and presentation on the peculiarities of special regulation of transactions in Russia in connection with the sanctions regime. In recent months, significant changes have been introduced to the legislation concerning the rules for the sale of stakes in LLCs and shares in JSCs, as well as mandatory payments to the budget for transactions with foreign participation.
I run a small business: does personal data protection concern me? FAQ
Fines for personal data violations have been seriously increased. As lawyers, we often hear from clients that personal data does not concern them, but this is not true. Here is a short and concise summary of why personal data is about any company.
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